Telugu Calendar Year Names List: Ugadi is a festival that is celebrated in Telugu and Kannada States. This festival is considered as the year that will begin from the festival Ugadi itself.
Every year we get a Telugu year name on Ugadi. Now 2021 is called Plava Naama Smavatsara, This name was repeated 60 years ago and it will be repeated in 2081 again. So here we are bringing you the 60 Telugu years and their names.
We are also going to mention in which year the year name was mentioned and when it will be repeated again. So let’s dive into the details.
60 Telugu Year Names List
Telugu Year Name | Past Years | Future Years |
Prabhava | 1927, 1867, 1807, 1987 | 2047 |
Vibhava | 1928, 1868, 1808, 1988 | 2048 |
Sukla | 1929, 1869, 1809, 1989 | 2049 |
Pramodyuta | 1930, 1870, 1810, 1990 | 2050 |
Prajothpatti | 1931, 1871, 1811, 1991 | 2051 |
Angeerasa | 1932, 1872, 1812, 1992 | 2052 |
Shreemukha | 1933, 1873, 1813, 1993 | 2053 |
Bhava | 1934, 1874, 1814, 1994 | 2054 |
Yuva | 1935, 1875, 1815, 1995 | 2055 |
Dhata | 1936, 1876, 1816, 1996 | 2056 |
Ishwara | 1937, 1877, 1817, 1997 | 2057 |
Bahudhanya | 1938, 1878, 1818, 1998 | 2058 |
Pramadhi | 1939, 1879, 1819, 1999 | 2059 |
Vikrama | 1940, 1880, 1820, 2000 | 2060 |
Vrisha | 1941, 1881, 1821, 2001 | 2061 |
Chitrabhanu | 1942, 1882, 1822, 2002 | 2062 |
Svabhanu | 1943, 1883, 1823, 2003 | 2063 |
Tarana | 1944, 1884, 1824, 2004 | 2064 |
Parthiva | 1945, 1885, 1825, 2005 | 2065 |
Vyaya | 1946, 1886, 1826, 2006 | 2066 |
Sarvaiithu | 1947, 1887, 1827, 2007 | 2067 |
Sarvadhari | 1948, 1888, 1828, 2008 | 2068 |
Virodhi | 1949, 1889, 1829, 2009 | 2069 |
Vikruti | 1950, 1890, 1830, 2010 | 2070 |
Khara | 1951, 1891, 1831, 2011 | 2071 |
Nandana | 1952, 1892, 1832, 2012 | 2072 |
Vijaya | 1953, 1893, 1833, 2013 | 2073 |
Jaya | 1954, 1894, 1834, 2014 | 2074 |
Manmadha | 1955, 1895, 1835, 2015 | 2075 |
Drumukhi | 1956, 1896, 1836, 2016 | 2076 |
Hevalambi | 1957, 1897, 1837, 2017 | 2077 |
Vilambi | 1958, 1898, 1838, 2018 | 2078 |
Vikari | 1959, 1899, 1839, 2019 | 2079 |
Sarvari | 1960, 1900, 1840, 2020 | 2080 |
Plava | 1961, 1901, 1841, 2021 | 2081 |
Shubhakrthu | 1902, 1962, 2022 | 2082 |
Shobakruthu | 1903, 1963, 2023 | 2083 |
Krodhi | 1904, 1964, 2023 | 2084 |
Vishvavasu | 1905, 1965, 2025 | 2085 |
Parabhava | 1906, 1966, 2026 | 2086 |
Plavanga | 1907, 1967, 2027 | 2087 |
Keelaka | 1908, 1968, 2028 | 2088 |
Sowmya | 1909, 1969, 2029 | 2089 |
Sadharana | 1910, 1970, 2030 | 2090 |
Virodhi Kruti | 1911, 1971, 2031 | 2091 |
Pareedhavi | 1912, 1972, 2032 | 2092 |
Pramadeecha | 1913, 1973, 2033 | 2093 |
Aananda | 1914, 1974, 2034 | 2094 |
Rakshasa | 1915, 1975, 2035 | 2095 |
Nala | 1916, 1976, 2036 | 2096 |
Pingala | 1917, 1977, 2037 | 2097 |
Kalayukthi | 1918, 1978, 2038 | 2098 |
Siddharthi | 1919, 1979, 2039 | 2099 |
Roudri | 1920, 1980, 2040 | 2100 |
Durmathi | 1921, 1981, 2041 | 2101 |
Dundubhi | 1922, 1982, 2042 | 2102 |
Rudhirodhari | 1923, 1983, 2043 | 2103 |
Rakthasakshi | 1924, 1984, 2044 | 2104 |
Krodhana | 1925, 1985, 2045 | 2105 |
Akshaya | 1926, 1986, 2046 | 2106 |
So these are all the list of 60 Telugu Calendar Years. As you can see the year’s names are repeating after 60 years. This process is completing a yuga.
The Ugadi festival is widely celebrated by Telugu People, On the festival morning people make Ugadi Pachadi which has all the tastes. It is widely said that whichever taste you feel while tasting Ugadi Pachadi that’s how the whole year is gonna be.
If you get more sweet then the year will be sweet, If its sour then the year will be sour. After all this, on the festival’s evening Panchangam will be said in Temples. People will get to know how their horoscope is going to be for the rest of the year.
Not only telugu people but also neighboring states like Maharastra, Karnataka and Chennai also celebrate this new year. We hope this information is quite helpful to you and we are quite sure that good things are ahead of us in the upcoming years to come.